Going on a job interview can be stressful, especially if you’re not prepared, and there are quite a few things you do that could stop you from getting hired for the job.

So, Narcity spoke with a recruiter to figure out what mistakes you could be making during interviews and what you should do instead.

Bonnie Dilber is a recruiter in the tech industry who also posts videos on TikTok about all things job-related.

That includes the dos and don’ts for resumes, how to prepare for an interview, resources to help you with your job search, and more.

Dilber told Narcity that one of the biggest mistakes you can make during an interview is having a lack of knowledge.

If you don’t demonstrate “a solid understanding” of the company you’re trying to get hired at or of the position you’ve applied for, that’s a red flag for recruiters and hiring managers.


Three things I always do before an interview: 1. Research my interviewer 2. Plan stories that align with the job description 3. Prepare questions

According to the recruiter, you shouldn’t speak in generalities, and should be much more specific during an interview.

Dilber said that you need to learn and apply the “STAR method” to outline the challenges you’ve taken on in your previous jobs and the results you’ve achieved to recruiters, hiring managers and anyone else interviewing you.

If you don’t know, the STAR interview method is a way to give detailed answers so hiring managers can learn how you fit into the position being hired for.

It stands for situations, tasks, actions and results.

Here are the steps to the method, according to Indeed:

  • situation — give context for your answer to the question you were asked
  • task — elaborate on the challenges of that and your role
  • action — explain how you handled the situation or overcame the challenge
  • result — share what you achieved in the process

Also, “not asking any questions” is another interview mistake that could lead to you not getting hired for the job, Dilber said.

So, when an interviewer asks you if you have questions for them, be sure to say at least one — if not more.

If you’re wondering what other people think about asking questions during an interview, recruiters and career coaches have posted on TikTok about questions that’ll make or break your job interview and questions that employers love!


#greenscreen i care about helping every jobseeker. Don’t do things like making your resume easier to evaluate or your linkedin headline more searchable or sending networking emails. You are the prize – why make it easier to find you! #jobsearch #resumetips #linkedintips

There are so many more things that you should know about if you’re on the job hunt right now before you even get to the interview stage of the hiring process.

Another recruiter told Narcity that there are a few resume red flags that could actually stop you from getting hired so you know what to leave it off when you’re applying for jobs.

She also shared everything you need to know about using AI to write your resume and fill out job applications.

Good luck job seekers!

This article’s cover image was used for illustrative purposes only.

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