
The culture you create within your company will directly impact your future in the recruitment process. By starting from the inside and building your brand outward, you can showcase what you’re capable of by showing who has chosen to partner with you. You should be just as proud of who you employ as they are to work for you. Starting with employer branding and fostering good relationships within your company, what you reflect will naturally attract top talent in your industry.

If you’re in a competitive market, you know qualified candidates are shopping around. Here are some ways to stand out among others in your field.

Find something that’s different about your company and show it off.

you are not the same as your competitors. So concentrate on reasons why potential candidates would want to work for you. It’s okay to toot your own horn, as long as you don’t blow it too loud! Be humble about it, not long winded. People want to be proud of who they work for and what the company stands for. Employer branding is important in today’s competitive market, so start here.

Be a secret shopper in your industry.

It’s no secret that secret shopping is helpful for a number of reasons. Is your company competitive in terms of salary and benefits? Are other companies offering remote options and providing their team with the tools they need to do so? What else are they giving their employees above and beyond competitive wages and benefits?

Set the standard for interviewing and hiring experience.

Do you want to be like everyone else, using the same software, asking the same questions and fighting for the same people? Top talent wants to be “wowed” by their future employers. They want to walk away not only with an excellent interview and hiring experience but confidence in who they’re going to be working for. If you’ve done a good job at displaying your brand, describing the position they’ve applied for and continuing to enlist their feedback throughout the process, chances are, you’re on the right track.

How is your career page?

Is it up-to-date and user-friendly? Does it provide information on both the open positions as well as your company’s culture and values? Your career page will likely be the first interaction potential candidates will have with your company’s inner workings so be sure it reflects the standards you uphold.

Be active on social media.

Whether it’s Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn or some other platform, you’ll want to be where the top talent is for your industry. Communicate your employer brand when online, remaining aware that what you share should always match the image you want to convey. Don’t forget to show off the top talent you already employ while you’re at it. Potential candidates will love seeing that you are outwardly appreciative of your team. It also shows the level of individuals you employ. Who wouldn’t want to work for a company that says “Please,” “Thank you!” and “Congratulations!”?


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